The activation energy is the rational use of energy. Of course, the technique of reconstruction of the manufacturing facility, and one half bathroom, with the introduction of new technologies, recycling thermal energy, and the use of renewable sources of energy, they require huge expense. But it is a practice of long duration of the european countries, and tells him that I went to see it in our daily lives, habits, and behavior, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount of energy required. And that doesn't mean a deterioration in the standard of living or to give up the comfort.

From the whole of the domestic consumption of energy, the lion's share — 79 per cent goes to space heating, and 15% of the energy is used for process heat (hot water, heating, cooking, and a t. d.), at 5% of the energy they consume in electrical appliances, and 1% of the energy used for lighting, radio, and television technician.
That's 1 kw/hr of energy.
You will need 1 kw/h of energy, for the purpose of:
- At least 50 hours to listen to the radio
- 110 hours and I elektmantotuivai
- in the 17th hour of controlled burning with the light bulb of power 60w
- 12 hours to watch tv
- 2 hours of vacuuming
- take a shower in 5 minutes
- warm up 6 degrees in a bath tub full of water (150l)
Controlling the supply of power
Under the laws of the Republic of Belarus "On energy saving" provides for the obligation of accounting, which are received from natural persons and legal entities for the supply of energy. The work in this direction is in progress and is constantly on the rise. As a result, all new homes, and the meter is installed during the construction phase, and housing, this will have to do it ourselves.
This will allow you to:
- you will only pay for the amount of power that You have received
- refuse to pay for the Energoresurs-of-poor-quality
- to effectively save energy
The installation of the meters of energy-costly event, but the return on investment, and, in some cases, it is a very good one.
The heating of the housing,
The cost of the heater, the higher the article to the payment of the utility services to the public. In this situation, the implementation of the general ledger allows you to track and manage the receipt and use of thermal energy. And, this is important, as these systems are the economic, the relationship with the supplier. Learn how to use it properly in the first place, the heat energy in our country, but the most important thing of all.
The activation of the electrical energy
To save on electrical energy and with a easy and, in most cases, there is a water proof cover of the instrument to the general ledger, and participate in, activities that give an immediate effect on the economy. On the other hand, it is the most difficult of all, because there are things to help you get a great activation. Thus, the activation of the electrical energy — lean, hard, and steady. The electricity in the house has 9-10% of the energy that is required. And despite the fact that the use of the appliances and the possibilities of the activation energy (in comparison with the heating and hot water) are limited, but will pay to You the accounts, You will see that this type of energy is relatively costly. When purchasing appliances, pay attention to your energy consumption, you can compare the different models and manufacturers. For a family of 4 people, 1 / 5th of the energy that is going to take care of things, and clothes. The use of modern technology and the changes in our ways of life, will allow you to activate up to 40% of energy consumption.
Did you know?
That is through the faucet, from which water is leaking (from 10 drops per minute) goes up to 2000 gallons of water per year. And each and every one of the four members of His family, and leaves them out in the open, the water from the faucet in just 5 minutes a day, you'll lose 7 kwh of energy, while leaving the window for a huge sum? Take a bath — it's a lot more where do you want to take a bath. Want to take a bath (140-180 l) You will spend three times as much energy as to be taken for 5 minutes. shower. Products for landscaping and toilets, allow the most efficient use of the water.

Kitchen appliances
Any type of equipment, you'll have to choose from to suit your needs. Most likely, many would agree that buying a business in the office of a vacuum cleaner for a small apartment it isn't practical, as it is a powerful washing machine with 7 kg of clothing for a small family. And, also, the household appliances now, but it is energy-saving. There is a perception that it is more expensive. In fact it is not, or is, in any case, it is not too much, and the activation of the operation will impact on more than one occasion.
The activation energy when using lighting
The lights in the house must be a lot of, it is beneficial to one's health, and, in general, makes it warm and comfortable. On the other hand, a very bright light serves to be annoying, so a more efficient use of the site, the lighting for the interview. Right now, the market is a lot of variety of lamps, lights, floor, wall, and light fixtures. You have the option to choose from to suit your taste, space and your wallet. To Use, relevant to the type of lighting In the work place (does not matter, in writing, or on a table in the kitchen), it's a good idea to use fluorescent bulbs, " DP ", with the soft light. If it is a desk or table, so that You and especially your child, a person who spends a lot of time, in preference to the lamp is equipped with a high-ballast-electronic. In the hallway, and into the kitchen, where the light will sometimes burn for a day, it is advisable to use compact fluorescent bulbs. They're more expensive as regular bulbs, but if you are not used to turn off a light, you pay it quickly. Further, the light output on them is great, they have successfully replace a very powerful one-of-a-lamp incandescent.
The use of advanced technology in lighting (led energy-saving lighting system), which allows you to save up to 60% energy savings. The economic condition of use of lighting — planning of the adaptation to the needs of the lighting, and the lighting technology Mnogoplanovo a chandelier on the ceiling provide illumination for the entire room, but it leads to the undesirable formation of a shadow when it is behind a desk for the sewing machine in the corner with the toys. Targeted illumination, even though in a lesser capacity than the lamps to provide better lighting, without waste a shadow.
The more You turn off all the incandescent light bulbs in common, and the faster they will burn. Economically, to shut down an ordinary incandescent light bulb is only if You don't need the light on for about 10 minutes. For the production of a new lamp requires more power than you are going to save you a lot of times, unplugging it for a short period of time. It is important to understand that the activation energy does not constitute a waiver of the comfort of it, and vice versa, and it is the goal of the activation energy (including the government) is to provide you with all the necessary conditions of life for the entire population.
The activation energy in the home
Practice how to save electrical energy at home does not require a large investment from the empirical!
With the constant increase in electricity rates the more urgent it becomes to the possibility of limiting the costs of the direct payment. You can do this in a variety of ways. In the fashion of the activation energy in the home, and those that are related to the use of new technologies, for them, it is written good enough. There are, however, opportunities that do not require high cost and specialist expertise, they will help you, if you are going to comply with the basic rules of a new culture of energy consumption.
Please consider these features in detail:
The conservation-of-energy-in-lighting of the common areas
Usually, when it comes to the question to allow for the installation of motion sensors and energy-saving lamps, on the ladder site, and the basement. In this case, the issue price, together with the costs of installation can reach up to great heights.
Easy, it's that you're putting in the diode the semi-conductor (300V, 3A), the breaking of the wire, including lighting a front door or in the basement. The whole job is a 5-minute walk away. The size of the led (for example, a 1N5404), it is placed in the body of the circuit breaker. The diode passes only the wavelength of the input power. The decrease in the voltage of incandescent lighting falls in the consumption of energy and greatly increases its useful life. The author himself was a witness to the service of the incandescent lamp, after a patch, over a 7-year-old.

The activation energy in the kitchen
If you're using an electric kettle, you do not necessarily have it before going to fill it to the brim. Pour in as much as I need you right now. In the household are still going to bring it up to heat again and again. And, once again, you will get the consumption of electricity. The strength of the tea, which is typically a 1.5-2 kw. This is an important contribution to the monthly consumption of electricity.
If you are using an electric hob, so you should be aware that the choice of dishes, all of which do not correspond to the size of the board, you lose 5-to-10-percent-of-energy-in kitchen with a curve to the bottom "steal" up to 40 percent to 60 percent. Then, in the bottom of the cookware must be flat and of a size corresponding to the diameter of the heat source. Keep in mind that the rapid evaporation of the water when it boils, add time to the cooking of food by 30 per cent. After the boiling of the liquid oxygen, it is necessary to reduce the amount of power being provided in the recorder.
The activation energy is in the wash
Read on to give instructions about the handling of the equipment. Not all of the machines that they choose the optimal amount of water, and when it is not being loaded. As more and more water, and the higher the wash temperature, the higher the energy will pass through the machine. When an incomplete loading of the machine pererastaet up to 15% of its energy, when it's the wrong application machine wash by 30 percent.
The activation energy for the lighting in the apartment
Typically, apartments with long hallways, and kitchens that turn on the lights. The way they did in the first place is to replace your incandescent light bulbs for energy-saving. These light bulbs have a warranty of at least one year. During this time, they are fully payable and will even give you information and quote. Lamp, 14 W, corresponds to a 60 W incandescent light bulb. Just pick up the bulbs from a company in the market.
The substantial reduction in electricity use will be made of a light wall and ceilings, transparent with light, black-out curtains, a moderate amount of furniture and flowers in the room. You must never overlook the lighting.
The activation of the energy use of your refrigerator
If you are shopping for new appliances, choose a category E. These devices are still in the design phase of a project and develop it as the power saving mode. If we talk about refrigerators, so it's worth it to install in the center of the shade and a cool place to a new one. If you have a compressor in the refrigerator, and you're not using one of the cooling chambers, and shut down the compressor. Typically, the automation of the refrigerator that allows you to.
The activation energy, when the press of the clothes
Try not to overdry the bed, t. to. when the press is in need of more iron and the more time it takes to get the results you want. The other "trick" that allows you to reduce costs, the use of aluminum foil, which is placed under the fabric that covers the ironing board. The Sheet does not provide the thermal energy to dissipate if you focus on it it softens the fabric.
With the savings in energy when cleaning is the ideal apartment
When you use a vacuum cleaner often to dispose of the waste in the container for the collection of rinse or replace the filter in the inlet and outlet of air. The additional air resistance leads to overheating of the motor of the vacuum cleaner, and electrical power consumption. For example, when you fill up the container for the collection of dust by 30% the energy consumption grows by 40% to 50%.

The activation of the power when you turn off the hibernation mode of the electronic consumer
Some people think that the stand-by mode of household appliances, is an alarm clock out of his pocket, through which it sends and receives the money. For example, a tv set with a diagonal of 54 cm to come in the stand-by time than 9 kw, which is the song in the center of 8 kw, a video of a 4 kw, and the t. d. will Count on their handsets, because they are in need of a stand-by mode? Is it really that hard to press the on/off button? There's also one other thing, they are permanently connected to the power source and, when in an accident, you could lose it all. In such instances there were.
The activation of the power when you turn off the battery chargers for mobile phones
Of course, the loss of the fact that these devices are always in the making, they are not as large as in the other built-in appliances. However, amanhecerdnenhumparae" are the beats and the sources of supply, such a device does not like to work without a load. When it is not connected to the cell phone, walkman, notebook computer, and a t. d. of such a device is warming up, come out of the system, and can result in a fire.
A computer with an internet connection and a t. d.
If you are not using the computer, for example, have gone to school or work, it is advisable to disable the expensive technique. You can extend the capability of the hardware and reduce the overall energy consumption of the apartment. In addition to this, we are sure that none can steal your data, and the developments in his / her absence; after all, the computer is disconnected from the power supply.
Use the nehetolhoe tips in mind, you are going to save more money, power, and size. Sure, you'll be able to give you more ways to save energy in your home. Train your brain and share the results with their neighbors. The greatest happiness in life is the happiness of the human!